Swiss universities cracking down on academic ghostwriters.

We always turn down offers to ghostwrite “homework assignments” — and this article pretty much sums up why:

Handing in a paper that you hired someone else to write and receiving a grade (and later a degree) for it is fraudulent. The applicable legalities are a little less clear-cut, but we’ve long believed ghostwriting can be classy…so long as it’s carried out under ethical circumstances.

Ideally, a ghostwriter is a valuable tool in an author’s tool chest. The person who has something to say but not the skill and/or time to say it has every right to express him or herself by way of a ghost. But when the concealment of the ghost can actually harm other people — which is what happens in academia, to the competing students and the teachers alike (to say nothing of the people later, in the world at large, who have no idea about the fraudulent student’s falsely attained degree) — it is absolutely unethical.

Ghostwriters Central works to keep its profession ethical, at all times.


About Michael McKown

Avatar photoJournalist, specialty magazine editor/publisher for 22 years, entrepreneur, co-founder of America's largest working dog organization, producer/director, and co-founder of Ghostwriters Central in 2002.