hip-hop lyrics & rap rhyme writing services

Hip-hop lyrics & rap rhyme writing services.

By- Deborah Jane

So you want to be a great rapper? You want sick bars, smooth flow, a catchy hook and more swag than that Swagga Like Us song? But every time you whip out your pen (or iPhone), you feel stuck. You can’t find a hook or your rhymes sound like a kindergartner wrote them. DAMN (and not in that good Kendrick Lamar way). If you are a serious artist who wants to be successful, you came to the right place. To be as great as ‘Pac, the key is bars. You have to, as Nicki Minaj put it, “Push your pen.” See, rap is first and foremost a lyrical art form. It is a craft. Today’s rappers are modern Shakespeares. So, how do you elevate your rap game so that record label execs, producers, and even Hip-hop rappers.your hatin’-ass friends see you as the next Drizzy Drake? You elevate your songwriting. Your bars. That’s where I come in.

I am a Songwriter, Lyricist, Rapper, and Artistic Coach who has been passionate about hip-hop since Lauryn first got miseducated. (Her album was my first teacher). I have been writing in multiple styles for 20 years, and am formally trained in the craft of writing at Stanford University as well as the University of Southern California. My strengths are innovation, lyricism, passion and quality. My experience listening and writing to all genres of music has given me a wide musical range which I apply to pushing musical boundaries. I have written plenty of my own lyrics and songs, and I love to mold young artists into the artists they dream of becoming!

What I can help you with

 Your Voice: Every rapper from Tupac to Jay-Z to Missy Elliot to Biggie has a distinctive VOICE. (You can hear Biggie’s voice right now, can’t you?). What sets you apart as a rapper? Voice is not just what you say, it’s how say it. It’s your style, your tone, your inflection, and your personal perspective that makes you unique as an artist. Most importantly, it’s YOU, your IDENTITY. I will help you discover your special identity and unique rap voice (so you can finally stop biting off others, J/K).

Your Bars & Lyrics: Words, words, words. Now it’s time to push the pen. From metaphors to imagery to cultural rhetoric to distinctive rhyme patterns, I will work with you to create the perfect bars that match your unique voice. There are many ways to say something (i.e. guap, cheddar, money), but what’s the best way for you? We can work together to write your best lyrics, or I can ghostwrite bars for you myself (in your voice). Your choice!

Your Hook: Now for some fun! Here’s the part of the song that everybody sings in the club. Finding that catchy melody and lyrical phraseology that captures the theme of your song (and also gets stuck in your best friend’s head) is one of the most important parts of songwriting. I will help you craft a hook that makes your song pop!

Your Song Structure: Hooks, verses, bridges, oh my? Trust me, organizing your song is not as scary as the lions, tigers and bears in the Wizard of Oz, but it can be daunting for some. I will offer structural patterns that personally fit your song, while encouraging you to be as creative as possible. Remember, there is no one right way to write a song — but there are patterns that work.


(Above: Deborah Jane’s lyricism skills on display).


Your Content: Ever heard folks say, “Oh he sure can rap, but he ain’t saying nothing!”? That’s because most stuff on the radio is bubblegum rap. For a serious artist, it’s important to actually rap about something. Whether that something be clubbing, relationships, how dope you are, or super-deep conscious underground stuff (hello, Kendrick Lamar). Whatever it is, your content has to come from YOUR UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE. I will work with you to mine your stories, concepts and ideas, so that your content is in alignment with your unique brand.

Your Flow: Finally you get to SPIT! How you deliver your bars is the difference between your song getting played on the radio and your song only reaching the ears of your iPhone. You can have the dopest lyrics in the world, but your delivery and performance of those bars is what elevates your game. As an added bonus to my songwriting service, I will listen to you bust your rhymes and give feedback on your distinctive flow. I don’t do this for everyone. Just the dopest.

Your Vision / Brand: Finally, every song you write and every bar you spit should align with your overall message about yourself as an artist and a brand. This is your PERSONAL STORY. After all, every artist is a mini-business. You all know Nike’s brand? “Just Do It.” And Nike sells like hotcakes. Successful rappers are just as clear about their brand as Nike is. Jay-Z said he raps about the same thing over and over — his rags-to-riches story from Marcy Projects to Multi-Million Dollar Mogul. Hova’s brand is selling the American Dream. What’s yours? We will discover and craft your Personal Story to truly define your brand and vision as an artist.

Consultation: LET’S START WITH A FREE CONSULTATION where you tell me about you, your VISION and the dream song you really want to write. Then I will craft ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT SESSIONS around your individual needs. We will then schedule SONGWRITING SESSIONS to create your masterpiece. You can choose whether you want to co-write the song with me, or have me completely ghostwrite your song on my own. Totally up to you.

But She’s a Female! Okay, I know hip-hop is a very male-dominated world, and many of my clients will be men. The reason I can still help you, whether you are male or female, is simply because I’m dope. Real talk. I am a trained writer. Twenty years deep. I have mastered the art of writing, which is the ability to adopt other people’s voice, style and perspective. Also, as a teacher, I nurture my students into truly finding themselves (must be the woman in me). So, whether you are gangster, poet, backpack rapper, white, black, male, female or anything in between, I can definitely help you!

Read a true story about a young man who ordered a rap song to be delivered immediately. He waited in the recording studio while Deborah Jane worked on his song…about 2,542 miles away. And delivered in time to get it recorded!

What Are You Waiting For? Give Ghostwriters Central a call. They will hook you up and we can get started. Who knows? We might just the discover the NEXT GREAT (FILL IN YOUR NAME).

See you soon!

Pricing for our rap rhyming writing services can be found on our ghostwriting rates page.

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