Writers comment on other writers and the writing profession.

It’s a page on this website, located here.

I’ve been collecting informative and witty comments from writers for years. There are hundreds of comments on that page, each properly credited. A few days ago, I added a bunch more, including remarks by film script writers and song writers. Go check it out.

I think you’ll find the many remarks shed light on the inner-workings of the mind of a wordsmith.

What the heck, I even added a comment of my own. At least I think it’s my own original comment. I’ve been at this job long enough to have an opinion.

The comment in first position at the moment, by the way, came from an article in The New Yorker, which is a writers’ resource all its own. I buy it for the articles, of course, but enjoy the cartoons most of all.

So quit being so serious for a while. Click the link up top and go have some fun. You can be serious later.


About Michael McKown

Avatar photoJournalist, specialty magazine editor/publisher for 22 years, entrepreneur, co-founder of America's largest working dog organization, producer/director, and co-founder of Ghostwriters Central in 2002.