Meet the new writers: Stephen and Corey.

We’ve been pretty busy at Ghostwriters Central. Someone asked the other day about what’s happening here. We always have a lot of small projects going on but at the moment the larger projects include two books, three screenplays and four theatrical stage plays. And that load meant I had to add staff. The new folks are:

  • Stephen Witkin, who specializes in film, TV, stage plays and speeches.
  • Corey Wright, who is a playwright, screenwriter and provides script coverage services.

You can see their photos and read their bios on our ghostwriting staff page. That’s 10 very experienced, very capable writers at your service. We are not in the business of letting writers offer their services on this site independently. These folks work for me directly. They are under contract to Ghostwriters Central. If I say they’re exceptional, you can believe it.

I make it crystal clear to everyone I hire that we are all about excellent, competent client service. I like nice, easy relationships. I want great writers who pose no problems for me or for clients. There are no rip-offs here, no excuses and there’s no bul…uhh…baloney. We have a wonderful reputation and I fully intend to maintain it. If you’ve got a project for us, give me a call. We’ll handle it properly.


About Michael McKown

Avatar photoJournalist, specialty magazine editor/publisher for 22 years, entrepreneur, co-founder of America's largest working dog organization, producer/director, and co-founder of Ghostwriters Central in 2002.